Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle


It's the little things right. My husband, a native of Boulder, Colorado, makes sure recycling is something we do. I am all for recycling and saving the planet. However, I have to tell you it is quite a commitment. Time, consistency. The main thing to me is having the stuff stacked up. I am a neat and tidy type so even a plastic water bottle sitting on the counter on its way out to the recycling bin in the garage can bother me. My inclination is to just put it in the trash and it's gone. I have to make myself think what step is most useful. Recycle or landfill.... We all know.

We all made a trip to our local recycling because not only do we recycle but my husband has taken the step to recycle at his work. There's commitment. I was in because I got lured with my seasonal favorite, a nice Pumpkin Spice Latte - Starbucks,of course. :) The boys were thrilled to get to hit the recycling at a local Park. Interesting, everyone playing tennis, and then the rather large group of us on a Sunday afternoon recycling. Here are the little guys wanting to help Daddy and finally, to see just what happens once it goes in the recycling bin! :) Let me know, how do you reduce, reuse, recycle. May we live lightly.


Thursday, October 25, 2007
Savoring Time Away


We truly savored our time away... and it's hard to believe a week has past. How quickly do we get so caught up in our everyday lives and time swirls by. Here are a few more pics of the lovely water and my little cherubs. Take note of the ole' cotton fields back home. This just brought back the memories of my own Daddy introducing us to the cotton industry in quite this same way and I was about the age of the boys. So what do you think - yes, the twins ended up taking hand-picked cotton back to school to share the experience. I've noticed we all seem happiest when we're outside and mix in the ocean and it's pure bliss. OK, I admit I'm pretty happy in a steamy, bubble bath, jogging on a day like today and just spending time with my family. To get all of that and the ocean, well, it's all good!


Friday, October 19, 2007
Beach Rejuvination


We're back and it was divine! Here's a little highlight that says it all...taken by my husband the early-riser. Might I add, we all enjoyed the sunrises together each morning. Heaven. (That should do me for a while ;) And just two words I'll sum it up "Off Season!" There's nothing like having the ocean virtually to yourselves. How could they not know - ya'll God is awesome! We relished His creation. Have a great weekend. And I'll get more pics up and let you know all about the twinkies and our adventures soon.


Monday, October 15, 2007
Hey, here's my own personal blog first. We're heading out of town on a little mini-vacation and here I find myself at the first computer I find. OK, so nothing new to post since my State Fair this morning. However, this is fun and merited a new post. Beautiful day, sunny, blue weather...ok, we're on the way to the beach! Expect more soon!


"The State Fair!"


"The State Fair!" Somehow, the boys caught me saying "take you to the 'state fair!'" And it is the funniest thing you have
heard to hear us all get going saying it over and again. "The State Fair!" Well, to the state fair we went and it was a ball.
It was the absolute best state fair ever! We were all in wonderland. It's unbelievable the things we got to do in those three
and a half hours. We did everything from milk a cow to ride the ferris wheel to target shooting a real g-u-n. And the twins
both hit the bull's eye! Daddy was next and really close and Mommy was just off the charts. :) Surprise?! Then the food was
a whole other world. We literally ate hush puppies (oh, they were good), chocolate milk (right after we milked our cow ya'll!),
cotton candy, homemade ice cream - butter pecan and vanilla, roasted corn on the cob, fresh honey, and Kettle corn! The
absolute best on earth. We thought it would be worth another days visit just to get the fresh sweet corn on the cob, kettle corn,
etc. ... well, you get the idea.

The twins launched into a full and serious discussion with the Vetenarian about how they could manage being a Vetenarian AND
a firefighter 'because that's what we're going to do.' The Dr. recommended that they become Vetenarians and work at the firestation
as volunteers, and the boys then decided they would become Vetenarians and then work for the firestation and WHEN they rescued
the animals they would take them to their office to treat them.

The guessing game guy guessed one of the twins' weight (we didn't win) and he missed on the other (we won) and he was off on Daddy's age
(we won) so the boys both chose a stuffed animal "firedog." And I, I just stayed clear of the man guessing the age and weight. That was
just fine with me. Afterall, both of the boys got a choice of toy so we really didn't need to win again. ;)

Their love of animals is precious and the look on their faces as we soared to the top of the largest ferris wheel at the fair, were joys I'll never
let go of and cherish forever. Daddy and I were children all over again. Then as they played "Walking in Memphis" at the Ferris Wheel line,
(can you tell that was a favorite) my sweet husband grabbed me right at the top-of-the-town for a smooch-of-all-smooches! Meanwhile, just look
at the faces of the Twins at the very tip-top peering over the fair! I'll never forget their faces. It was a night to remember!


Saturday, October 13, 2007
Barney and Twins


Just when I thought the boys were growing up and getting to big for some of their more toddler things... it was Barney night! And do you know, they L.O.V.E.d it! Maybe it was just all the good memories of those little segments - once the were actually old enough that we let them watch :) I know, newby parents. At any rate, here's a glimpse and a moment of childhood captured. We're all becoming our own little groupie club at character night. It's the little things. And this time, Daddy had just as much fun as the boys. Note: the twins wanted to bring their Barney so that Barney could meet Barney. He was pleased.


Friday, October 05, 2007
Hold That Thought... I'm Blogging This
October 12, 2007

It's soooo true! I do love being back to blogging again this year. OK, I took a little break with my blog on "private." And a strange thing occurred, I didn't blog. So there may be something to the wide world of blogging. Though I do this for my family, friends and myself - since I haven't really revealed it totally its just been my little thing. One thing I have learned, it's true, I have gained an awareness. When I had Hands Full Hearts Full on 'private, I didn't sense the urgency to get it all down. I do like that feeling and I am happy to report a keen sense of appreciation and awareness of the everyday of my family life that I cherish all the more. Of course, as I continue to blog, I want to keep the ideal of actually living the moments of family we have and not being so eager to capture the 'eye candy' and 'blog it' so to speak. It is a ball, yet never do I want the actual writing to get in the way of the living. We've been enjoying the outdoors, our state and family so expect that 'eye candy' any post now. Until then, enjoy some sunshine with us.


October with Mickey Mouse :)


We've had a fun and much anticipated night with Mickey Mouse. :) A local restaurant had Mickey Mouse night. We had a ball. The clown lady was fun too with her prizes and activities. And miracle for us, my children actually ate their dinner too! Nothing like Mickey Mouse to ramp up the appetite. I had flashbacks of my own family growing up and our weeks at Disney World. Sounds like its about time to plan our own family holiday to the Magic Kindgom.

It's been a great week. As I am getting back to blogging, I find that I have spurts of lots of post topics and then I have days of quiet that you have just experienced here. There's always a lot to report. For this Friday, I'll leave you with this visual of Mickey Mouse and the cutest twins on the planet! :) Blessings this weekend.


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