Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Prayer for our Son

A lot has been on my mind about my blog(s) lately.  In general, I love writing and am not described as a shy person. :)
However, I find myself a little shy on my blogs this year.  Some is intentional that I want to keep my blog more annonymous
and enjoy writing about Carolina Living... and then there are days like today.  Real days.  Real days that call for reality, a
wakeup call.  And can I just say good old-fashioned prayer.  Then I am reminded one of my own favorite quotes I love
right here on my blog:   "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter
don't mind." Dr. Seuss 
Last night I posted about Compassion for the children through Compassion International.   Little did I know, we would have
our own prayer request for compassion and healing today. 
Tomorrow, today in a few hours, our son, will be going into surgery.  The doctors deemed it necessary to put him under for
a procedure in his inner ear.  He's six.  It's routine.  "It's a null chance of anything happening" according to the doctor.  Yet,
this is our son.  As my brother, a rock solid believer and father of three said, "no surgery is not serious."   
Please pray for 1) success with the doctors and the anesthesiaologist, 2) no damage to his hearing or eardrum 3) safety restored
health and 4) ultimately, no anxiety- we trust our Heavenly Father who knows best.  "I know whom I have believeth...." 
Thanks for your prayers and support.
God Bless!



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