Saturday, January 05, 2008
Can We Still Talk About Santa

Did they taste better under the counter?  I mean I unwrapped the lovely Goofy cookies
and took pictures of how cute they all four looked eating and all and then minutes later
I found them under the counter enjoying our neighbors kindness in the form of the largest
Goofy cookies this side of the Mississippi!
OK, I know we're onto a new year and all but the Tiger that is sick out of the blue says,
"You know what Santa said to me when I was up there?"  I am thinking about all the things he
quoted me from their conversation.  Then he says, "Mama, can we still talk about Santa?" 
Can we still talk about Santa .... my dear... bless your sweet little heart!  We can talk about
Santa all year if you would like.  Nonetheless, he wanted me to know that Santa had explained
to him that when it is foggy he really does use Rudolph the Red Nosed Raindeer to travel around.
The Tiger found that fascinating two weeks later.  To me, that's the joy of believing.  All year long.
Y'all mostly know but if you don't - when the ground is not covered with snow a child does wonder.
And Santa does have the best answer since Charles on Little House.  We're making it through with
everyone feeling well enough that we expect a regular week on Monday.  That's saying a lot and
Thank You all for kicking off the year in high gear with prayers for our son and us.



Those cookies look like fun.

My daughter has kept up with the Santa talk and I'm sure it is just the beginning.

Thanks for the welcome!

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