Today has all the excitement of a New Year. I usually spend a week or so in an over-glow/after-glow
of the year past and the New Year. It is always with wonder I look at where the Lord has taken our
little family in just twelve months. How most often we have no idea what His design is for our family in the
days ahead. Being the optimist that I am, it is fun to marvel at the great things He has done and how He
surprises us along the way.
It has been a fun year of blogging for me. It all started the Summer of 2006 and this year we just mixed it
up a little. I am still trying to get comfortable with some of the aspects of blogging. It is attractive for me in
that I am a writer and have written most of my life including being published. It's natural and what is not
natural is I have discovered a shy and reserved side I am not known for in person. So I continue to saunter
in the direction of my authentic self and yet protecting my family's identity to a certain degree.
At any rate, this year before I could really linger with the year past we were presented with a pretty
rapid jump into the new. As we bring in the New Year, our family mosaic has added another palette. It's a palette I have never
seen fully. And yet it looks somewhat familiar. We have an unexpected diagnosis. One of the Cherubs, our youngest son, has been diagnosed with Reactive Airways Disease.
So more than ever we look to Him for the days ahead. As our Christmas card this year says, "Our God whom we serve,
can... and He will." Dan. 3:7 May we praise Him whatever He wills. This is a new journey for all of us and we are not sure
how it will look. At this point, our goal with the doctor is to get him well of his flu-like symptoms, fever, etc.
On January 11th, we will meet with the doctor for further testing, prognosis and a long-term plan for
managing our little one's illness.
Meanwhile, would you pray for us? Pray for our little Tiger to be strong both phyically and in his faith in the God he loves.
Pray for our family to trust Him like never before. And as we all blog-on about life, dinner, what make-up to wear that we
have joy in the journey He has given each one of us. Our hope is in Him. Did I say there's a voice that wants me to be scared to death as I
am tippy-toeing up to the plate? And there is a peace that passes all understanding tonight.
I found the following definition by a MayoClinic doctor:
"Some doctors use the terms "reactive airway disease" and "asthma" interchangeably. However, they are not necessarily the same thing. "Reactive airway disease" is a general term and does not indicate a specific diagnosis. It may be used to describe a history of coughing, wheezing or shortness of breath due to undetermined cause. These signs and symptoms may or may not be caused by asthma. Time or further testing will tell."
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